
A dog allows us to understand how God must have felt when His first-born companions were unfallen and perfect. 

Biography and Credits: Brenda Tate


For anyone who may be contemplating the purchase of my poetry collection, here are some nuts-and-bolts details about my work.


Cleansing & Other Poems - by Brenda Tate

Available November 26, 2005

Brenda Tate is a former teacher living in Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia. Much of her life has been spent in the classroom among teens and she often writes from the perspective of one who truly understands young people. However, her personal experiences extend far beyond the boundaries of her career.

Brenda knows well the price of human error. She speaks eloquently of loss, bereavement, disappointment and bad judgment. She infuses with wit and humour her observations about people, places and situations. To read her poetry is to move up and down the piano, from treble to deepest, darkest bass notes. Her work may challenge, amuse, disturb, but it certainly won't bore its audience!

We will share some judges' and critics' comments about her poetry:

From Writers' Federation of NS - Atlantic Writing Awards Panel:

"Your language has a versatility and a rich texture and your imagery is evocative ... I do like the humour in "Down Mammary Lane" and "Penis Envy". Great stuff!" (Judge #1)

"You have a good ear for internal rhyme and rhythm. "Down Mammary Lane" is more chaotic, less subtle, yet still full of interesting ideas ... Lots of talent here." (Judge #2)

"Very complex and intriguing work -- not a 'happy read' - it leaves me feeling raw inside but this is not a bad thing, just an indication of some very powerful writing. And there is beauty in the words -- sort of a sugarcoating for the harsh realities they present." (Judge #3)


From Tony Curtis, The Guardian (UK) Poetry Worshop:

"Brenda Tate sets up an intriguing conundrum: is her character that of a pregnant schoolgirl? And how does she become transformed into the Virgin Mary? Does the Holy Sprit descend on her through the metaphysical (in both senses here) priest John Donne? This poem may be just too clever for its own good! The variation in syntax of the second couplet line is clever and unobtrusive. This might not have the lasting impact of Charles Causley's "The Ballad of the Bread Man", but it has a similar ambition and works impressively." 

 (A copy of the villanelle under discussion may be found on an earlier page of my website).


Awards and Other Recognition Received:

NS Poetry Awards, 1989 - Honourable Mention

UAS 'Explorations' Poetry Competition, 2002 - Honourable Mention

Glimmer Train Poetry Open, April 2002 - Finalist

Winning Writers War Poetry Contest 2003 - Finalist

The Poetic Link Poem of the Year, 2004 ("The Swallows Measure Our Years")

Interboard Poetry Competition - (IBPC) - Web del Sol - First Place for "I No Gone Cat, You Just Not See Me" - May, 2004

Atlantic Writing Awards - Third Place, Poetry Division, 2005

Utmost Christian Writers Contest - Best Rhyming Poem & Award of Merit for "White-throated Sparrow" (sonnet), 2005

Rising Tide Press Poetry Contest, 2005 - First Place for "By the Pool of the Gone-Forever"



Book of Remembrance (for 9-11):

Canadian Poets on the Web:

Glimmer Train: writer/html/finalists.asp?id=36

IBPC Archive, Wild Poetry Forum: messages/17551/25951.html?1088479287

Lily Lit Review:

New Classic Poems (ed. Neil McAllister):

The Guardian Villanelle Workshop Shortlist:,15167,1462545,00.html

Utmost Christian Poets' Gallery:

WFNS Perfect Words:

Winning Writers War Poetry Contest:



Thanks for visiting and reading! - Brenda